Generator tested? Check.
Fuel cans filled up? Check.
Candles and flashlights? Check.
Food and water stocked up? Check.
Beer stocked up? Ooops, be right back.
Looks like we will finally have an opportunity to use that emergency generator I purchased last year "just in case" a typhoon came through. We've been here for a year and three months and I thought we would never see one. But, Kong-rey (gotta love that name) is about 35 hours away and promises to bring winds over 100mph.

Yep, that's Guam under that menacing purple ampersand labeled 03/00Z, which means midnight Zulu time on 3 April.
We went to Typhoon COR 3 a few hours ago, and are staged to go to COR 1 tomorrow at 1400. Our base will be locked down then, and only necessary personnel will be allowed to move about. As a lawyer, I'm really not that important. Which means I'll be staying home, eating popcorn, and live-blogging what happens (if we keep power) .
As for Mary K, well, she is one of those important personnel, but is designated a COR 4 person, meaning she will stay home until the typhoon passes, then will be off to the hospital to relieve those that stood watch through the storm.
The kids think it is a big camping expedition. They are a little afraid, since no one knows what to expect, but they look forward to camping out in the living room, playing games by candlelight, and watching the typhoon pass overhead. All-in-all, should be an interesting experience for them. How many 6 or 8 year-olds do you know that have been through a typhoon? Well, a lot out here in the Western Pacific, actually.