Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Becoming a Boy Scout and the First Hike (Without Mom or Dad)

Another milestone has passed: Drew transitioned from Webelo to full-fledged Boy Scout at the Blue and Gold Banquet on Sunday, 20 March. He is intent on becoming an Eagle Scout---he really looks up to the older boys in the troop. It is wonderful to see the difference in his behavior between the "puppy dog" antics of the Cub Scouts and the more serious and attentive actions within the Boy Scout troop. Don't get me wrong; he still acts like a goofball, but I can see the person he is becoming.

That ceremony marked the change in activities as well. Drew went on his first overnight hike without Mom or Dad present. Being a smaller person myself, I was very concerned about the weight of his pack and finding gear that would fit him. Everyone in the family now owns hiking boots (and if you're interested in bargains, I recommend becoming a member of REI and taking advantage of the end-of-season specials in their online outlet store). Our next project is getting our bikes tuned up.