Well, Drew had his first Judo tournament and in true Guam fashion, the weekend started off packed. I had already paid for us to run the Strides for the Cure 5K at 0600 and was slated to attend the Cookie Master training at 0900 at the Girl Scout Center so Anna's troop could get the paperwork to start selling cookies. That was the same time as Drew's judo tournament and Sensei was convinced that Drew would make a good showing.
I ran through all sorts of scenarios: get a babysitter to watch Anna and Drew while I ran the 5K (yeah, right---a teenager showing up at 0515?); take Anna and Drew with me and have them wait while I run the 5K (to save Drew's energy for the tournament); or forgo the 5K. I ended up doing the latter because I didn't want to interfere with anyone's sleep even though I got up when the alarm went off at 0450 and dressed in my running gear and considered running around the neighborhood.
I sent an email to Nicole and stated I would attend the Thursday evening training instead. So that was taken care of.
Now all I had to do was keep two bickering kids from ruining the morning.
There were a lot of tears at this tournament; boys tend to be really vested in the outcomes of their endeavors. Drew wasn't. I don't know what happened to his competitive edge, but he was eliminated in the first round. I asked him about this and he said, "I thought this was just a practice warm-up."
Oh, well. There will be more tournaments where he can demonstrate his expertise.